Gorilla gorilla gorilla :: Animals Photos Search
Gorilla gorilla gorilla
Result: 11-20/420
Eastern Gorilla (Gorilla beringei) - Wiki
Resolution: 2048x1536
World's Rarest Gorilla Finds Sanctuary [ScienceDaily 2008-04-18]
Resolution: 600x600
Cross River gorilla (gorilla gorilla diehli), Nigeria and Cameroon: The Cross River gorilla is the most western and northern form of gorilla, and is restricted to the forested hills and mountains of the Cameroon-Nigeria border region at the headwaters of the Cross River. The most recent surveys suggest that between 200 and 300 Cross River gorillas remain. The encroachment of farms, dry-season fires and development activities such as road building are continuing threats to the integrity of gorilla habitat. After several years of awareness-raising by conservationists and researchers, hunting for bushmeat has been reduced to a low level, but it is still a potential threat, as are wire-snare traps set for other animals.
Resolution: 400x408
Source: http://news.uk.msn.com/primates-in-peril.aspx?cp...
Unique Mating Photos Of Wild Gorillas Face To Face [ScienceDaily 2008-02-12]
Resolution: 300x234
eastern lowland gorilla, Grauer's gorilla (Gorilla beringei graueri)
Resolution: 4608x3456
Poster: Wiki Photos (---@---.---)
Ebola 'kills over 5,000 gorillas' [BBC 2006-12-08]
Resolution: 203x152
Study: Cultures Affect Captive Gorillas [AP 2006-02-19]
Resolution: 271x344
Western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla)
Resolution: 612x408
Poster: Shahril (different_world_06@hotmail.com)
Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) - San Diego Zoo
Resolution: 208x312
Snowflake the Albino Gorilla Was Inbred, Study Finds [LiveScience 2013-06-14]
Resolution: 600x383
Gorilla gorilla gorilla
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