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Oldest primate :: 동물그림창고 검색
PrimatePrimatesOldest primateAnthropoid primateProsimian primateStrepsirrhine primateHandbook to the primatesA hand-book to the primates
%Oldest% %primate%
PrimatePrimatesOldest primateAnthropoid primateProsimian primateStrepsirrhine primateHandbook to the primatesA hand-book to the primates
질의: Oldest primate결과: 1-10/14
Ancient Primate Skeleton Hints at Monkey and Human Origins [LiveScience 2013-06-05]
해상도: 707x1000
Oldest Fossils Reveal When Apes & Monkeys First Diverged [LiveScience 2013-05-15]
해상도: 1000x854
Two Skeletons Push Primates Closer to Dinosaur Era [LiveScience 2007-02-05]
해상도: 650x432
Pint-Sized Primates Were First in North America [LiveScience 2008-03-03]
해상도: 650x1358
Pint-Sized Primates Were First in North America [LiveScience 2008-03-03]
해상도: 650x651
Paleontologists Discover Most Primitive Primate Skeleton [ScienceDaily 2007-01-23]
해상도: 300x199
Philippine Tarsier (Tarsius syrichta) - Wiki
해상도: 1600x2400
Ancient Primate Skeleton Hints at Monkey and Human Origins [LiveScience 2013-06-05]
해상도: 940x768
Japanese Macaque / Snow Monkey (Macaca fuscata) - Wiki
해상도: 800x600
Orangutan, Singapore Zoo [AP 2006-06-18]
해상도: 276x410

Oldest primate
동물 검색 PC판: Oldest primate
| 똑똑누리집 | 신규 사진 | 아무거나 | 동물유머 | English |
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